A few days ago, I attended an online coaching and networking event. I'd attended before, after avoiding invitations for almost a year. My confidence wasn't restored enough back then for me to feel ready to join.
A key theme throughout the session was commitment to doing something in the next 30 days. One of the coaches talked about steering your own ship, unlocking an action. I started drawing a lock, thinking about what I could unlock. The only word that would come to me was, "Blog."
I wrote and published my first blog posts here in early 2023, then stopped. I don't know why I stopped. I probably overthought it, or told myself nobody would want to read, or that it would be too much work to do alongside my podcast. I probably felt right at the time.
But I was wrong.
I'm interested in many things. I adore few. One of the few things I adore is writing. Here are some others:
- Singing.
- Speaking & Presenting.
- Reading about neuroscience, psychology, mindset, some fantasy, spirituality...and more.
- Hiking.
- Cold water swimming.
- Walking on moss in forests. (there is no silence more pure).
I'm not good at keeping things simple. I put every bit of myself into the things I decide to do. That makes it difficult to achieve everything I aim to when I do too many things. I just don't seem able to pull back and "leave it" until something inside me says "that's it - it's ready." The harder I try to make things as perfect as possible, the less well they do.
Isn't that always the way?
The only thing that's perfect is imperfection. The more expectation we place upon something being perfect, the less joy we get from any impact it makes. I remember learning that lesson as an English teacher in Dublin. As I got more experienced, I planned my lessons with less rigidity. I went with the flow of the learners and content. The impact was instantaneous. The learning was immense.
I started to live my life like that more and more, going with my flow. Then, I lost trust and confidence in myself after ignoring my instincts for a number of years during a toxic relationship. I got hypervigilant. I've struggled to find my trust in flow again. Everything has seemed a lot more difficult in the past few years since leaving.
KISS it!
The famous meaning of this is "Keep It Simple, Stupid." I don't like the word, "stupid," so I say, "Keep It Simple, Sweetheart." To be honest, I'm not mad about pet names either, but sure look, I have to have an alternative and there are worse terms than "sweetheart," right?
So, I'm on a mission for the next month to KISS everything! I'm gonna blog for 30 days straight. I'm gonna simplify my podcast episodes, and most importantly, I'm gonna steer my ship from my solar plexus, the place my words come from when spirit gifts me with the peace and serenity to let them flow.
The place I teach my clients to speak from.
The place where we can unlock and unleash our phenomenal.
Day 1 done. Subscribe to follow along with the journey. I haven't a clue what I'm going to write about. I haven't a clue how blogging works. I do know how to write. Sure that's a start.
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